Tuesday 2 June 2015

I'M BACK! And so is the NEW CATALOGUE!

Yes, it's true! I am finally back to my blogging. The past year and a half has certainly been a roller coaster ride and more. But, I am back at last and more inspired and excited than ever, especially since attending another Stampin' Up! convention on the Gold Coast. After that, I spent some much needed time reflecting on my life and looking forward to what the future holds (way too D&M I know!)
On a lighter, very exciting note, can you believe the 2015-2016 STAMPIN' UP! CATALOGUE  finally went live TODAY (Click the catalogue image on the right hand side of my blog to view it as a PDF now)
Ooooooooooooo so EXCITING! As a Stampin' Up! demo who was fortunate enough to attend convention just a month ago, where I was lucky enough to get my hot little hands on a copy of the catalogue and then I even got to try out some of the new products - I know, exciting huh?! But I had to keep so much of it a secret! Now, I can actually talk about it and buy any of the products available in it. As a demo, we are fortunate to have sneak peaks and order some of the catalogue products, but not all of them. Amazingly, the old catalogue finishes today and the new one also starts today, I don't believe this has ever happened before, so today is your LAST CHANCE to order anything from the 2014-2015 catalogue that is still available.
I am also SUPER excited about my new upcoming classes for kids. I have loved crafting ever since I was a young child. It was often my escape into another world, blocking out anything else that stood in my way.
I have the dates for my upcoming classes on the left hand side of my blog. There are also some photos of previous classes I had run in some of the school holidays last year. Watch this space for more to come.
I promise I'll be back really soon.
Yours in inky claws,

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