Wednesday 19 September 2012

More to show!

Well I am back with more to show today from my time in Sydney. Today I have a 'Step Card' that I made for the Olympic Rings Challenge at camp. This was my final challenge entry which I was under much pressure to complete in time for the judging. I was determined again this year to complete every challenge and task at camp, as I know Marelle spends so much time organising them and it is such fun when you make an effort to complete everything. I only just scraped in by a whisker to get it in on time, by which time most people had actually voted, but I wasn't worried about that, I just had the goal to complete everything - and I DID! Woo HooT! Here is my entry:
Yes, everyone of those rings was created by me! I had planned to add a pair of tiny goggles and a swimming costume or towel to be draped over the second step, but I ran out of time.
When I arrived home my kids and hubby were intrigued to see what I had created, when I pulled this one out, my husband was very impressed, as were my sons as they are all very sporty. This became my husband's father's day card as he liked so much.
I'll be back with more to show you soon.
Until then,
Ink up those claws and get stamping!

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