Sunday 16 October 2011


Well currently I am packing boxes, getting ready to move yet AGAIN! I have been so busy trying to sort stuff, pack stuff and dare I say it, part with stuff - don't worry, very little papercraft stuff involved so far! (and DEFINATELY no stamp sets are going (at this stage - as much as hubby would like them to!).
Just thought I'd post a pickie of this little cute guy, who somehow got into our kitchen a couple of months ago, isn't he cute?

We have so much gorgeous wildlife up here it is incredible. So far we have seen tree frogs, cane toads (YUCK!), owls (yay!), eagles, possums, wallabies, pademelons, echidnas, dolphins, beautiful native birds and even platypus!!! all in their native environments, yes the Far North Coast is certainly an amazing and beautiful part of  NSW.
 I guess I should add something crafty as well, just to keep all those crafty ones happy. This is one of my giftcard holders, the perfect present for someone you aren't sure what to get. It looks much more personal in one of these rather than just handing the card to the person I think. I have also left room for a personal message inside it. I think a lot of my nieces & nephews will be getting these this year.
I have used Chocolate Chip cardstock & ink, Baja Breeze DSP, celery ribbon (retired) and the On Your Birthday stamp set (page 107 of current catalogue).

Hope you like it.
Yours in ink,

Sunday 9 October 2011

Market Items

Well today I thought I'd share a couple of the items I have been selling at my market stall (so far only at Lismore on the first Sunday of the month). I am being a bit sneaky, because I know I said that I wouldn't blab on about Stamp Camp, but I actually did a presentation that incorporated one of the things I developed for my stall (my clocks). I hope you enjoy checking out just some of the items I have made.

        One of my clocks

                                  Money Tins

                                                    Notepads & holders
Anyone seeing a common theme here? Mmmmmmm. . . well other people obviously like owls too, because these have been very popular. I have so many other things too, but it takes so long to upload, that I only have patience for a couple each entry.
Hope you like them. If you're in the area, pop by and say hello to me at the markets!

Saturday 8 October 2011

WOO! HOOT!!! Another promotion from Stampin' Up!

They've done it again,  another great offer from Stampin' Up!:

Simply Stockings Promotion!

During October, purchase this pair of coordinating Christmas products early - before the release of the 2011 Summer Mini Catalogue:
• Stitched Stocking Set
• Stocking Tag Punch

It gets even better... Get them both for FREE when you host a $450 workshop OR place a group or individual order for $450!

This stamp set and co-ordinating punch are perfect for making quick tags, cards and gifts for Christmas. View them HERE

If you would like to place an order or buy the stamp set and/or punch, call or just email me.
125798 Stitched Stocking Wood-Mount Set $53.95
123784 Stitched Stocking Clear-Mount Set $42.95
124095 Stocking Tag Punch $33.95

But hurry....this offer is valid from 1st-31st October only!
Claws in ink,

Oh My! Three days in a row, unheard of!

Yes, believe it or not I am back! AGAIN. With some more pics. I had such a fabulous time at camp, I have to show you a few more pics, then I'll move on to something else.

Juliette Chapman's gorgeous Owl Earrings - for the punch art Challenge - she actually gave these to me! What a sweetie, thanks Jules!

Heather Partridge's cute reindeer entered in the Christmas Challenge
THE gorgeous, super talented Marelle Taylor - Our Illustrious leader, working hard as always!

There are so many more pics to share, but as the challenges were anonymous, it is hard to know exactly who to credit (unless I already knew, like the ones above).
Next blog entry I promise to not blab on about Stamp Camp (even though it was unreal, and I can't wait until next year's!). So I'll show something new I have been making.
Yours in inky claws,

Friday 7 October 2011

Told you I'd be Back!

Hello again.
As promised I am supplying you with a couple more pics from stamp camp (wish they weren't so slow to upload otherwise I'd include many more). Anyway here they are:
My Name tag (looking a little well-worn), no surprises from me really, owl & bling! - I actually won a prize for this one - Woo Hoo! So exciting! There were so many gorgeous, clever name tags, so I felt really special.
  Above: Juliette's beautiful Tealight Holder presentation
 Above: Cathy's cute punch art Geisha doll presentation
Believe it or not there's so much more. But that's just a taste of my weekend of Stamp Heaven!
Promise to blog again soon.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Well I am back! (At long last)

FINALLY I am back on my Blog! I haven't forgotten about it, in fact I have felt guilty about not blogging since my last blog! I have had an extremely hectic couple of months, between packing, moving, very ill children and illness myself, life has been rather awful.
So I have LOTS of catching up to do. I am planning to 'catch up' over a number of blog posts so let me start with a very happy event, STAMP CAMP!!!!
Towards the end of August I attended STAMP CAMP in the beautiful Hunter Valley of New South Wales. My AMAZING and GORGEOUS upline; Marelle Taylor has organised Stamp Camp for the past 3 years and every year I have come back more inspired by the many talented people we have in our team and friends too! Over 30 people attended camp in all and although it poured torentially most of the time (what better weather for stamping?!) we all had an absolute ball.
So  let me show you a few pics to whet your appetite:

   Above: Our 'office' for the weekend!
Below: Some of the hardworking papercraft ladies and our AMAZING workspace
     Marelle was absolutely fabulous (as usual!) She had organised challenges, shoebox swaps (along with other terrific team members), presentations from other team members (including moi! - I was a complete goose as usual, but most of the team are pretty used to that!)
There were amazing prizes and even visits from the 'Stamp Fairy', believe me life back home was a bit of a drag after the little pressies from her each day!
I will be back in a couple of days I hope with more pics from camp (including some of my entries etc in the challenges).
Yours in ink,